Friday, July 12, 2013

British Religious Leaders Urge West Not to Send Arms into Syria

"Christians are at risk."

The Archbishop of Canterbury and other British religious leaders are sounding the alarm on sending more weapons into Syria. They highlight the risk to Syria's Christians.

It seems so logical. It is the rebels who pose the greatest threat to Christians. Some of those rebels are allied to al Qaeda. We have the harsh lesson of Libya. Yet, we seem hell-bent on injecting ourselves into this cauldron and only painting a bigger target on oiur own backs. And given what is happening to the Christians, how can we contribute to that? It doesn't make sense.

But neither does anything else in the administration here in Washington.


  1. Yeah, what Christians in Syria need is the protection of Our Friend Bashar Assad. It wasn't too long ago Gary was excoriating a certain California resident for accepting the post of consul representing the Assad regime.

  2. Siarlys,

    I think I have been clear all along. A pox on both their houses.

  3. Ah, we should drop a few atom bombs on Syria, and "God will know his Christians."

  4. Not at all, Siarlys. They are doing a pretty good job of it by themselves.

  5. Who is they? You mean Syrian Christians are responsible for their own plight?
