Saturday, June 29, 2013

Islamophobia Conference in Paris: Call for Papers

Our friend, Professor Hatem Bazian of UC Berkeley and the founder of something called the Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project at UCB, is organizing a big world conference on Islamophobia in Paris of all places.


"In Western Europe, Islamophobia is on the rise. France is among the countries where Islamophobia acquires complex and multi-layered dimensions."

Do you think it might have something to do with the crime, the rampant anti-Semitism, the refusal to assimilate, the rejection of European values, the killings, the riots, or the radical Islamism that calls for a Islamic takeover of Europe under sharia law?

Might it have something to do with the murders at a Jewish school in Toulouse?

Or the recent murder of a British soldier in London named Lee Rigby?

Or about the rash of "sexual grooming' of young British girls by Muslims, who drug them and pass them around for rape and sex for the pleasure of their friends?

Or the riots and assaults upon Jews in Malmö and other European cities?

Or the sight of Muslims taking over entire Paris streets to hold their Friday prayers with no regard to the residents and businesses?

Or the recent week-long riots in Stockholm (Husby)?

Or the obscene Muslim demonstrations in the UK led by hate monger Anjem Choudary?

Or the calls for violent jihad from imams in Western mosques?

Or about the sheer hate, savagery and murders spreading across the Middle East and other Islamic nations?

Or the graphic videos of beheadings, which continue unabated? 

How about the fact that in virtually every Muslim majority nation, religious minorities are persecuted?

I could go on and on, but it is obvious that Bazian's "call for papers" should include the above issues. Of course, it won't.

This guy Bazian is peddling pure snake oil. He and his Islamist ilk should look in the mirror and clean up their own back yard. Decent Muslims are not well served by the likes of Bazian and his "Islamophobia" events.

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