Thursday, May 30, 2013

Welcome News: Muslims Fighting Anti-Semitism

Hat tip Algemeiner

Amid all the bad news coming out of the Muslim world and its diaspora, here is some refreshing news from Algemeiner about a small group of Muslims who support Israel and are fighting Islamic anti-Semitism.

I know; it's just a handful of brave men. Nevertheless, they should be supported. At least, I feel somewhat better just learning that such people are out there.

Yeah, I know. I know what you are going to say.


  1. The real question here is, in my view, "Where are all the other Muslims, if there are in fact any, who also feel this way??" We need to hear from a LOT more Muslims in this regard.

    At least for the most part, the so-called "moderate" Muslims who bump their gums on all the related issues introduce "buts" into the game, such as, "Yes the 9/11 attacks were an atrocity, but...".
    Please, but me no buts.

    A quote from the article: “What people don’t understand, is that it doesn’t matter if you bend over backwards for radical Islamists. If you are Jewish, they will hate you no matter what,” Hafeez said.

    You could add to that "and if you are not Muslim", at least for the very radical/violent ones. If a very small, even fractional, percentage of Muslims are in this camp (and I believe the number is significantly greater than that), the number of them would still reach into the tens of millions.

  2. Most Muslims are too busy making a living, eating dinner with their family, going to school, doing the laundry, visiting the local botanical garden, etc. etc. etc. to really say much at all. It is really a very small minority of humanity, of any race, ethnicity, religion, or ideology, who spends time spouting our opinions on blogs.
