Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Vatican Claim: 100,000 Christians Killed Each Year

The Vatican is claiming that about 100,000 Christians are being killed every year because of their religion.

If that number is even close to correct, it merits serious attention. I note the cautious statements coming out of the UN and our State Department. Hardly surprising. They might have to make a statement as to whom the main perpetrators are.

Of course that leads me back to that asinine conference held last month at UC Berkeley by something called the Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project.

Even as Boston police were hunting down the Tsarnaev brothers, these characters were holding seminars on "Islamophobia". Maybe they should have invited Christians from Egypt to Sudan to Pakistan to come and explain their own "phobias" about Muslims since they are being persecuted and, yes, murdered by them. Then the esteemed Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project could file their cases in their documentation center and condemn them all as "Islamophobes".


  1. Data? (A sum total ballpark estimate from the Vatican is not data.)


    Oh, and if its true, does that mean we should commit the armed forces of the United States to occupy Syria after all?

  2. No but it would be nice if the UN or somebody took note and a worldwide cry erupted rather than listen to the peops complain about certain other "phobias".,

  3. "Took note"? What do you think mass murderers care about the UN "taking note." Didn't Chamberlain "take note" of what Hitler was doing as he marched into the Sudetenland? If you're going to say anything, speak in language homicidal maniacs understand.

    I suspect these 100,000 deaths, if accurate, had a hundred different causes and motivations, which makes it rather difficult to even write a coherent resolution about it.

    This sounds like a lot of me-tooism. "I want my turn to feel oppressed, waahhhh."
