Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tommy Robinson of English Defence League Interview

Hat tip Gates of Vienna

The day after the murder of British soldier Lee Rigby, Tommy Robinson, the leader of the English Defence League sat down for a half-hour interview. It is well worth the time to listen to what he has to say.

The term Robinson uses ("grooming") refers to Muslim gangs of men abusing English girls, drugging them, and passing them around for sex. There have been several documented cases of arrests and prosecution for this type of crime in the UK.


  1. The pushback had t happen I'm disappointed it didn't come sooner. I wish there was a pushback here buy we are sooooo tolerant and multicultural that it is in poor taste to name the problem.

    We don't need their oil anymore so the only explanation is stupidity.

  2. There are also prosecutions of Christians for drugging girls and selling them for sex. Most of La Cosa Nostra are good observant Catholics, remember?

    I'm glad to hear that such behavior is subject to arrest and prosecution in England, as it is here.

  3. Are you aware that this group of bigoted soccer hooligans is responsible for attacking several Mosques after the Woolwich murder?

    If so, why are you endorsing this group of pseudo-neo-Nazis?

  4. Anonymous,

    I don't claim to be on expert on the EDL. I don't advocate violence and I certainly don't advocate attacking mosques. I don't find anything in Robinson's words in the video that I would condemn him for.

    I still have questions in my mind about the EDL and whether they are anti-immigrant in general or racist in general. If so, I would not support them.

    However, I do support any group that is fighting back against extremists like Anjem Choudary and his followers. I do support any group that is resisting demands for accommodations to sharia law in Britain and against those who are preaching for an Islamic takeover of Britain. Insofar as that is concerned, I would support the EDL.

  5. PS to Anonymous,

    I am linking the EDL mission statement, which I have taken the time to read.

    Is there something you find objectionable?

  6. Apparently the whining is working. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the British have begun making arrests of people because of what they wrote on Twitter and Facebook.

    I doubt that the Tweets were plots to behead innocent Muslims.

    Better the Brits should arrest the rest of the gang who committed the crime. I believe the number is now around 10!

    Parties like the EDL will gain strength all over Europe in future elections and then maybe something will be done about the horde of Muslims who have invaded Europe and seem intent on imposing their ideology and Sharia law on Europeans as though they were conquerors and not originally pleaders for asylum.
