Monday, May 27, 2013

John McCain-What Are You Thinking?

Senator John McCain made a reckless move today when he slipped into Syria from Turkey and met with rebel leaders. One wonders what he was trying to accomplish.

McCain is an outspoken advocate for giving military aid to the Syrian rebels. He no doubt has been moved by the sheer number of civilian casualties in this civil war. Yet, in my view, he is not only on a fool's errand, but a dangerous one at that.  Has he not learned the bitter lesson of Libya? We gave military assistance to the Libyan rebels-not to the extent the French did- but how were we rewarded?


So what are we going to accomplish in Syria? Of course, nobody in the West-except for cuckoos like George Galloway- have any regard for the brutal dictator Assad, but we now know that there are numerous factions fighting in Syria including al Qaeda types. Whoever wins doesn't figure to be any friend of the West or the USA. All we can expect is another form of tyranny-Islamic  tyranny. There is nothing we can do about it.

I say have no part of it. I don't want to see one American soldier sent to Syria nor even one American pilot taking the risk of flying over Syria, being shot down and falling into the clutches of some Jihadist head-choppers.

We have already made a mess of things in Egypt and Libya. Iraq is slipping beneath the waves. Afghanistan will forever be Afghanistan. Why should we repeat the same mistake in Syria and go down the same rathole? It's a lose-lose proposition, and John McCain's action today was irresponsible.


  1. I think William's justification of Holder signing the subpena for Rosen's telephone records (prepared by his underlings)

    “You can’t see everything!”

    Will go right next to Hillarious's statement, "What difference, at this point in time, does it make?"

    Williams is basically a man of the left and he searches for any and all justifications for crimes and misdeeds of Democrats.

    This goes along with "Every administration (politician) does it" and personal attacks on the opposition (or messenger with bad news... like Fox). They do everything to make it right or understandable to their lemmings. Sounds plausible until you get into the details.

  2. Gary,
    Your conclusion, "We have already made a mess of things in Egypt and Libya. Iraq is slipping beneath the waves. Afghanistan will forever be Afghanistan. Why should we repeat the same mistake in Syria and go down the same rathole? It's a lose-lose proposition, and John McCain's action today was irresponsible." demonstrates what an irrational, unattached foreign policy we have been pursuing since Obama's election. Clinton's piling up of frequent flyer miles doesn't make a foreign policy.

    Russia now has some dozen warships outside of Syria. We can't do anything! We should have had ships there first and let Russian and Iran worry about what we might do or what might happen if they tried anything with us.

    Obama, because he lived briefly abroad, seems to feel that he has a better notion of what ordinary people, jobs, etc. Which seems rational until you put Islamic Extremism into the mix. They want something else. It is the major ingredient and he doesn't recognize it.

    As long as he keeps apologizing and attempting to disengage, we will continue to be adrift in foreign affairs, make enemies of our friends and friends of our enemies, and attacked because of perceived weakness. The "Red Line" in Syria if they used chemical weapons has long been forgotten, just as his promise that Iran will never get atomic weapons.

    Simply put, Obama is a ideologue amateur, ill equipped to handle this office. He runs the country like a Chicago Ward boss, persecuting potential rivals, while taking in all the perks.
