Thursday, May 30, 2013

British Shame

"We all live in a yellow submarine"

-The Beatles

Holding forth: Adebolajo at the rally on the eighth anniversary of September 11 outside Harrow Central Mosque in north London
Photo-Daily Mail (UK)

Someone in Britain has a lot of explaining to do in the case of the two Nigerian men who butchered a British soldier on a London street. One of the killers, Michael Adebelajo was picked up in Kenya in 2010 and reportedly released back to British authorities upon British request.

In addition, there is this video uncovered by the Daily Mail of Adebelajo speaking before a crowd on September 11, 2009, the 8th anniversary of 9-11.

Meanwhile, about a dozen Brits have been taken into custody on various hate speech charges for expressing their outrage over the murders via tweets and other social media. In fact, just in the last 24 hours,  British police had to evacuate hate monger and associate of Adebelajo, Anjem Choudary, along with his family, from his government-paid-for residence to protect them from angry crowds.

Why is it that people like Adebelajo and Choudary can spout such venom in public in front of crowds and get away with it while ordinary Brits who express their outrage at such behavior-not to mention the horrific murder itself-are arrested?


  1. "Why is it that people like Adebelajo and Choudary can spout such venom in public in front of crowds and get away with it while ordinary Brits who express their outrage at such behavior-not to mention the horrific murder itself-are arrested?"

    Great rhetorical question! I wonder what the ordinary police captain would answer. I suppose the answer would be different from an MP whose constituency is primarily Muslim. Still the majority of Brits are not Muslim... how do you think they would respond to the straight forward question?
    They can't all be so P.C. as to ignore what is happening to their country. Is multi=culti so pervasive so as to make most of the citizens discount what is going on in their midst? They can't be unaware of it. I just wonder what the average Brit feels about all this.

  2. Aren't you glad we fought a revolution against Great Britain and wrote our own constitution?
