Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Other Side of Multi-Culturalism

Hat tip Atlas Shrugs

As I often say, multi-culturalism is a large part of my life, and I will not bore you once again with the details. It is the "religion" of Multi-Culturalism that I disagree with as an attempt by progressives to compromise our own Western culture to accommodate any and all other cultural practices whether good or bad.  There are certain cultural practices that have no place in our society. The below example-from last month in Florida- is one of them.

The above is just one more anecdotal example of how these things are indeed happening here. It is good to see that our law is being applied in making an example of this woman.

In another current case, the Washington Post, a liberal newspaper, seems to be supporting a commutation of a 30-year sentence of an Egyptian man for killing his wife in an apparent "honor" killing.

"Pincus sentenced Oweiss to 30 years, the maximum allowed and a punishment above the 12 to 20 years recommended by sentencing guidelines."


Atlas Shrugs has a slightly different take.

So the good doctor shows no remorse for killing his wife, but he has been refereeing soccer matches in prison.

1 comment:

  1. You have a problem with people imprisoned for homicide refereeing soccer matches? Should only burglars be allowed to do that?

    While girls whose parents inflict burns on them should certainly be arrested, and enforcing arranged marriages has no place in American law, I see some other problems here...

    The girl wanted to marry a boy from Yemen she met on line? That's not a particularly wholesome alternative. Parents ought to step in when their teens have such crazy notions... not of course with knives, burns, or arranged marriages.

    You are so anxious to inflame the world with iconic scandals Gary... and real life just isn't conforming to your ideological preconceptions. Sometimes its worse, but not in a way your solutions would fix.
