Saturday, April 20, 2013

Bill Maher Gets One Right

Hat tip Daily Caller

I don't care much for Bill Maher, but in this exchange with California State University San Bernadino professor Brian Levin, he gets it right.

I don't know Mr Levin, but I did see him at at least one event at UC Irvine during the annual anti-Israel hate week a few years ago when he asked a critical question to one of the speakers.  I also exchanged e-mails with him around that time, and it was Levin who suggested I relay my concerns about anti-Semitism at UCI to Rusty Kennedy of the OC Human Relations Commission.

What a mistake that was.


Rusty Kennedy of the OC Human Relations Commission and purveyor of the annual Rusty Award (pictured below).

You owe me many many beers, Mr Levin


  1. I don't know why Findalis is so surprised. Maher has been saying stuff like this for a while.

    The kind of equivocation that's being done by the dude he's interviewing has been going on for a while now. Right now guys like Dawkins, Harris, etc. are being criticized for being "Islamaphobes" simply for criticizing the beliefs of Islam - which isn't the same thing as being an "Islamaphobe".
