Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Drive to Stop Criticism of Islam Continues

I appears more and more that the  self-appointed political, religious and intellectual leaders of American Muslims are getting on the bandwagon to curtail any speech critical of Islam-right here in America. The below report comes from CNS News via Campus Watch.

Here is the reasoning: In times of war, government has precedent to step in and curtail speech that could provoke violence.  The problem is that Mr Rashid has his reasoning out of line. During World War II we did not have laws against speaking out against Japan or Germany, did we?

Secondly, in referring to Pastor Terry Jones, a man whose tactics I disagree with, Rashid is concerned about the retaliatory violence by Muslims around the world. Under American law, it is speech that incites violence against the target of the speech itself that can be curtailed. For example, if Pastor Jones were to directly  incite others to attack Muslims then he might be criminally liable. The burdon of proof as to directness is high. He is not liable when Muslims half a world away resort to violence against his words.

It also seems Dr Rashid would favor using cyber-bullying laws to shut down and prosecute blogs that he deems critical of Islam

People like Qasim Rashid have little understanding of our principles of  freedom. What scares me, however, is that he has a friendly administration  and a Supreme Court that is one liberal away from rendering a preposterous judgment on this question.

1 comment:

  1. I love it when foreigners come here to tell us what Freedom of Speech is. It just shows how foreign they are and seemingly will always remain.

