Monday, March 4, 2013

Janet Napolitano Doing Obama's Bidding

Janet Napolitano 2010 Fousesquawk Jerk of the Year

Janet Napolitano appears determined to become the first woman in history to win two Golden Penguins as Fousesquawk Jerk of the Year. Instead of doing her job to protect the homeland, she is busy releasing illegal aliens by the thousands and doing her duty as an Obama hack. Now she comes out and tells us that airports are already experiencing delays and DHS employees are being furloughed because of the sequestration.

For all the good they are doing Janet may as well furlough the whole damn department. At least they won't be able to open the jail cells.

This, of course, is part of the grand Obama strategy. Instead of finding ways to cut spending on wasteful programs, the idea is to maximize the pain just to show the American people a thing or two.


  1. If you want to cut spending on wasteful programs, you need a budget bill that specifies what spending is wasteful, and what is not, allocating funds accordingly.

    The sequester was the exact opposite: across the board cuts without looking into priorities.

    Your heroes have gone mad -- they think mindless cuts regardless of priorities is just fine with them.

    Let's see you rally the Tea Party to demand that John Boehner get to work on a comprehensive solution that can pass the House, the Senate, and get signed by the President.

  2. Siarlys,

    The Republicans tried to offer a measure that would give Obama discretion on what to cut and what to leave alone. He nixed it. He wants to maximize the pain to prove a point. Keep in mind we are talking about a reduction in the amount of increase in govt spending.
