Saturday, March 30, 2013

Another "Big" Panel at UC Berkeley

Hat tip Frontpage Magazine

Big panel- I enlarged the picture to make the panel appear bigger

Lee Kaplan at Frontpage Magazine is reporting on yet another anti-Israel "panel' at UC Berkeley law school hosted by Students for Justice in Palestine and featuring such "headliners" as professor Hatem Bazian. No matter how many times Bazian speaks, he will still insist that the great big Israel lobby in America is trying to silence him.


Bazian is a classic whiner who hales from the Middle East and calls himself a Palestinian-as if that were a nationality, which it is not and never has been. He was educated at Berkeley where he was pretty much a campus headache and later became a professor. (Berkeley knows talent when they see it.) Since then he has been on the lecture tour talking about how bad Israel is and how prevalent Islamophobia is in this country. This pretty much begs the question; if things are so bad here in the US, why doesn't he go back where he came from?


And don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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