Thursday, February 28, 2013

Update on OIC's Anti-Defamation Push

Hat tip Frontpage Magazine

Deborah Weiss, writing in Frontpage Magazine, provides an important update on the on-going efforts of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to criminalize criticism of Islam world-wide.

Do not be fooled. When the OIC talks about defamation of religions, they only define Islam as a religion. In their world, Christians and Jews are defamed on a daily basis. Do you really think they aim to defend the Christians in Egypt or the Baha'i in Iran? Hardly.

The OIC's definitions are also contained within the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights, which they authored in 1990 when their name was the Organization of Islamic Conference.

It would be nice if the US, as the leader of the free world, would stop humoring and placating the OIC and make a clear statement that we will not abridge freedom of speech or religion and that the OIC should clean up its own back yard. But we won't do that. After all, France is now the leader of the free world.

1 comment:

  1. See President Obama's last speech to the United States, praised by Fousesquawk about as highly as Gary ever manages to praise the President of the United States.
