Tuesday, February 26, 2013

DHS Releasing Hundreds of Illegal Aliens

Janet Napolitano- 2010 Fousesquawk "Jerk of the Year"

"You can roll your eyes, Fousesquawk."

(That's what she told me at UCLA.)

Just like Janet Napolitano predicted this week, that danged sequester is going to really hurt us. To prove her point, DHS is releasing hundreds of illegal aliens-not deporting them-releasing them due to lack of money.


Brilliant, Janet! That 'll show us.

You gotta hand to Janet the brain surgeon Napolitano. Her three biggest priorities in protecting the Homeland are the Dream Act and advertising the benefits of American food stamps to would-be illegal immigrants in Mexico.

"Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful, ah."

Now this (#3).

Question for Janet: What is government's primary responsibility?

Answer: Protecting the citizenry. Especially when you are are named Department of Homeland Security.


  1. Releasing criminals is so much better than giving up rebates on green cars or glass panels for homes. Maybe we could reduce the cell phones for the poor program a bit. How about the $185,000 an hour cost of the plane that took Obama to Florida to play golf in the middle of this budget problem? Or his wife's separate vacation to Las Vegas and back at the same time? If they coordinated their schedules better by a few hours they could have saved the cost of one of the flights to Nantucket last time. It is a long list of low class extravagances. I read one article that pointed out that this president costs more than what England pays annually to support the entire monarchy.
    Let them eat cake!

  2. Republican hypocrisy exposed... we want to cut taxes, but we want whatever money it takes spent on whatever WE want done, and EVERYTHING ELSE is on the table.

    In government, as in anything else, you get what you pay for.
