Monday, February 25, 2013

Cornell University-Where Political Correctness Collides With Political Correctness

Hat tip Daily Caller

What does a college or university do when a protected group is attacked by another protected group?

Ah, the joys of celebrating Multi-culturalism. (Yes, that's with a capital m.)

On February 15, an unidentified speaker giving a sermon at the Muslim Friday prayers at Cornell University made hateful statements about homosexuals.

I encourage the readers to follow the link to the Cornell Sun and read the comment thread.

I can well understand that the university has to carefully think out what their response will be. It will obviously omit certain facts. Already, the speaker's name is being protected. The university statement will basically state that on February 15, a speaker made  hateful comments about a group of people and that said speaker does not speak for the university. The event will not be mentioned nor the sponsoring organization nor the offending comments.

And that will be it.

They already have the template from UC Irvine. In May 2010, when Amir Abdel Malik Ali spoke at UC Irvine on behalf of the Muslim Student Union during the annual anti-Israel week of events, he told a Jewish questioner from the audience that he supported Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and Jihad on campus- then told the Jews in the audience, "You Jews-Y'all the new Nazis." Chancellor Michael Drake refuted the statement two days later without naming the speaker, the event, the sponsoring organization, the comment, or the offended group.

On a more positive note, I do commend the Muslim students who spoke out publicly against the statements made against gays. I suggest they follow up and research the Islamic texts to see exactly what the Islamic position is on homosexuality. I expect they will be getting lots of questions about it from their non-Muslim friends.


  1. Hell, never mind the liberals, which side will CONSERVATIVES take on this little tempest in a tea cup?

    What do I think? I think Muslims have the right to say anything they want in their prayers, and the gay alliance has the right to picket the mosque.

    If anyone commits battery or mayhem, arrest them no matter what they believe.

  2. How about we remove religion from public universities entirely while protecting everyone from harassment?
