Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thank God For DHS

More buffoonery from DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano-this time a video telling us what to do when the bad guys come shooting up the place.


Can't make this stuff up, Folks.

So if you can't run, you can't hide, and you can't find a pair of scissors, I guess you could always shoot the son of a bitch.


  1. Most statute and case law, and a lot of local police department policies, heavily emphasize that you should call the police and wait for the professionals to handle it.

    I agree that if someone were coming up against my door with a battering ram, I'd like to be able to put a few bullets through the door, or the windows, while calling the police, because it takes a while for police to respond.

    Of course I might unintentionally wound a few DEA agents acting on dubious "tips" who went to the wrong address with a "no knock" warrant. There was a case where that led to an 82 year old woman killing a police officer thinking she was repelling a robber.

    But if the DA, the courts, and the police are going to treat you as at fault, then they are duty bound to offer you something you legitimately CAN do. This is a poor attempt.

  2. Never take a pair of scissors to a gun fight!


  3. Although this appears to be directed primarily toward workplace gun violence, in the context of school shootings (VA Tech was mentioned here), I guess I simply just don’t get it as far as arming (actually not arming) teachers for student protection. Usually (but not always), and quite properly in most instances, teachers are essentially glorified/canonized/deified for the difficult job they do. We trust them to have our children for a significant portion of most days, and they are engaged in a lot of societal stuff in addition to education/learning.

    While there are very occasional cases of inappropriate sexual and other conduct by teachers relative to students, I am prepared to be corrected but I am unable to recall a single instance, at least in recent/not-quite-ancient history, of a teacher taking a gun to a school and going berserk and start shooting up the place (incidentally, same generally goes for cops behaving similarly).

    I admittedly do not have the numbers at hand, but some (a large or small percentage??) of teachers are also gun owners. Some also already have “right-to carry”/CCW authority in their community. All that is stopping them from attacking students, or anybody else for that matter, right now is either conscience or fear of punishment.

    Details could be worked out on an individual basis, but it is dumb in the extreme to think that arming teachers, probably voluntarily, would result in any additional school shootings by them, when in fact it would provide at least some level, quite likely a significant one, of protection.

    Point is, if teachers were going to be shooting up schools, it would be particularly easy for them rather than someone else to do so, and it seems to me like they would already be doing it if they wanted to. Accordingly, arming them while they are at school would certainly appear to be beneficial rather than detrimental.
