Sunday, January 27, 2013

Random Shots in the Dark (39)

No popular demand, but back anyway

Since Hillary Clinton is our newly crowned Jerk of the Year for 2012, it is only fitting that we begin with Her Nibs. Never mind that she coined the phrase that should be inscribed on her tombstone ("What difference, at this point, does it make?") She has walked away from her long-delayed congressional testimony on Benghazi with rave reviews from her legions of sycophants in the media and academia.  Witness Princeton's Anne-Marie Slaughter this week on CNN calling her "one of the greatest secretaries of state in history with her diplomatic triumphs with Russia, China and Libya....."

That's what she said. "She can do anything in the world," gushed Ms Slaughter. It was just as bad as all those Democrats on the Hill who prefaced their softball questions with tributes to Her greatness as She basked in the glow looking like Pavarotti singing the final note of "Nessun Dorma".

"Vincero, vincero, vinceroooooooo"

And vincere (win) she did since more than half of Congress, the American people, and 95% of the media are not interested in affixing accountability on the top dog at State who never received any cables from her close friend, "Chris" (Stevens) pleading for help.

"What difference at this point does it make?"

So I guess we should move on.

That brings us to John Heinz Kerry, who is about to fill Hillary's golden slippers as SecState after breezing through hearings with his current colleagues.  Why who would make a finer secretary of state than the guy who, over the years, has compared his Vietnam comrades and today's troops to "Jenjiz" Khan, college dropouts, and terrorizers of Iraqi women and children in the dead of night respectively?

(That's Congress on the right)

Kerry is clearly the right choice because we need a French speaker to coordinate with the French, who are now the leaders of the free world.  It will be Kerry who will be leading our diplomatic efforts from behind and doing what we can to help them out in places like Timbuktu, Mali. He will also be responsible for keeping Hillary's promise to track down whomever is responsible for the Benghazi attacks (if he can get past the Egyptians, Tunisians, Libyans, Turks, and all the other governments who are not cooperating.) He also needs to find proper jobs to fit the abilities of the 4 State Department officials who were sent on leave in the wake of Benghazi. Maybe they can coordinate DEA's International Training program-something I used to work in, and which State funds. Or better yet, put them in charge of cocktail parties.

"Why didn't I think of that?"

Of all the agency and department heads who are not bailing out, I note that Janet Napolitano (2010 Jerk of the Year) is staying at her post. That's because she doesn't have a high-paying job offer. That's because she has demonstrated her gross incompetence. I mean would you give a job to this dolt?

Or maybe it is because she views her job as not yet finished in protecting the homeland. After all, her main project, getting the Dream Act passed, has not yet been realized, and we will not be safe until it is.

All of this, of course, is fading from the news because the big question across the country today is whether Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te'o was knowingly involved in some on-line love affair hoax in which he supposedly fell in love on-line with a woman he never met, never saw, never went to see in the hospital even though she was dying of leukemia etc. What's even more amazing is that Notre Dame itself fell for this fairy tale hook, line and sinker, as they relived the old legend of George Gipp all over again. It is as if Gipp was found living in Tahiti after the team had gone out and won one for the Gipper. Maybe they should exhume Gipp's grave. They might find out it was empty.

Speaking of dead people, Dianne Feinstein is back in the news.

She is introducing legislation to ban all assault weapons and magazines with dirty pictures, er more than ten rounds. Just this week she held a press conference with the requisite backdrop of compliant cops, children, concerned citizens, and organ grinders.


Go ahead, Dianne and pass it. Then a year from now count all the shooting deaths in Chicago, New Orleans, Detroit, Oakland, etc and tell me if you see a reduction.

And one other thing about Dianne. She is urging Hillary to run for president in 2016.

Piece of cake.

Speaking of crime, Eric Holder (2011 Jerk of the Year) is staying as attorney general. I guess he also has some unfinished business like closing down Fousesquawk and other unfriendly blogs as he escapes justice himself over Fast and Furious and his various lies and  cover ups.

(Hat tip Clean up

So bend over, America. We now have 4 more years of Obama to be followed by 8 years of Hillary Clinton. Former football coach, Lou Holtz, said it best the other day:

"The country's done for." 

I agree. I just hope and pray that there will be a "Random Shots in the Dark" 40th edition.

But we should always end on a positive note, n'est pas?

"Good news, mein Fuehrer. You don't have to go on those Sunday talk shows. We're sending Eva to do it."

1 comment:

  1. "Good news mein Feuhrer. Siarlys shares our opinion of Dianne Feinstein."
