Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Immigration Reform

President Obama lost  no time reacting to the announcement by the latest Gang of 8 that it is time for "immigration reform". Presumptuously, he has announced that it must also include a pathway to citizenship assuming that all 11 million illegals desire to become US citizens. He wants them to because 10.9 million of them will be instant Democrats, thus administering the coup de grace to the Republican Parry. Meanwhile, Sen Marco Rubio is saying, "Not so fast. What about securing the border first?"


Well, Jay Carney has an answer for that too. We already have (hat tip Weasel Zippers).


Given Carney's pronouncement, it looks like full steam ahead with amnesty with nothing more than cosmetic change on the border operations. Maybe they will send more beanbags to the Border Patrol agents to defend themselves with.

Personally, I have no objection to finding a practical and humane solution to dealing with the vast majority of the illegals who came here out of true desperation to work and who are otherwise honest people. We can't round up and deport all of them. As  far as applying for citizenship, they need to go to the back of the line behind the legal applicants. I still agree with Rubio, however, that this should come after our border is truly secured and we are effectively rounding up the criminal element for deportation. Once we regain control of the situation, then we can address the ones who are here. Besides, what is it we need to reform-our laws about how to enter the country legally? We aren't even enforcing those-courtesy of Obama and Janet Napolitano..

I have a feeling Obama and his gang are going to snooker the Republicans just like they did with the Reagan amnesty in 1986.  We didn't get the border secured and the numbers kept swelling.


  1. Once they settle down and open businesses, without fear of deportation, they'll all start voting Republican.

  2. Maybe their grandkids will once they are assimilated, paying taxes and being crushed by the govt.

  3. I thought there was already a pathway to citizenship for legal immigrants?

  4. Pathetically obtuse Findalis... this is about the fact that there are some 11 million people in this country who do not have legal status. There is good, pragmatic reason to get them out of the shadows, as Sen. McCain said. Why? Because they are here, because we can't possibly deport them all, because our economy would go into temporary free fall if we could...

    Life is real, even if its not the way you would have constructed it on Sim City.

    Mostly, they are here because somehow or other American employers would hire them and provide them an income. That's the story of most waves of immigration.

  5. The gang of 8 designed a good plan to put these people on the right track. The President wants them to get it immediately. Ask any immigrant who is here LEGALLY if they should get cut a head of everyone who did the right thing and they will tell you it is wrong.

  6. "Comprehensive immigration reform" is the euphemism for, and the equivalent of, amnesty. Pure and simple. I agree with Gary that the Republicans are almost certainly about to get scammed yet again. Shame on them.
