Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Those Benghazi "Resignations"

Remember when the State Department announced that three high-ranking officials had resigned over the whole Benghazi mess?

  "Yeh, Ah  did."

Well, think again. It seems that at least one is still hanging around.

"Ros-Lehtinen, who last week held a hearing on the Sept. 11 Benghazi attack, said it appears the department officials who were supposedly reprimanded "are more or less on vacation."

"Asked for comment, a State Department spokesman referred Fox to the statement originally put out on Dec. 19. 

That statement said that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "has accepted Eric Boswell's decision to resign as Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security, effective immediately," and that the three others were "relieved of their current duties."
The statement did not specifically claim Boswell was leaving the department -- at the same time, it made no mention of Boswell being reassigned to another desk. "

"It all depends on what your definition of 'is' is."

Tune in next week, folks for the next installment of "The Most Transparent Administration in History".


  1. Ah, the glory of working for the Obama Adminstration. You get four Americns killed due to incompetance and the Administration's ideology. You get a pass, even though one resigns. Yes, all four are getting their salary according to Josh Margolin of the Drudge Report and also plan to return next week. Has someone changed the definition of resigned when i
    I was not looking? Or, is this the Obama kiss for carrying out the master plan?


  2. Methinks that the Daily News could easily photograph Gary Fouse in as compromising a condition as H.Clinton displays in the front page photo referenced.

    Not that there is anything wrong with Gary having a few beers. Is it wrong for Hillary?
