Sunday, December 30, 2012

One Fine Day in Bonn

Hat tip Vlad Tepes

Christmas eve in Bonn, Germany. An Indian exchange student is accosted by two  males on the street who reportedly demand he convert to Islam. When he refuses, he is attacked and his tongue is slashed.

This week in New York, an Indian man was killed by a deranged woman who pushed him in front of an on-coming subway care. She told cops she did it because she hated Muslims and Hindus.

Both actions are wrong.


  1. Those who are motivated to accost strangers on the street and slice them up, tongue or anything else, will use whatever excuse is at hand... Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, skin color, clothing...

  2. As a rough estimate, I would guess that about half the acts of terrorism in the history of the world have been committed in the name of God.

    Also, I suspect that the guys who slit the tongue of this man were neither prejudiced nor motivated by mystical passion, but are simply inclined to mayham, and found God and religion a convenient rationale.
