Saturday, December 29, 2012

An Anti-Muslim Hate Crime in New York

Hat tip Siarlys Jenkins

Now that the person suspected of pushing an Indian man off a subway platform into the path of an on-coming subway car in New York has been arrested, it appears that the crime was motivated by hatred toward Muslims and Hindus.

We do not yet know if the victim was Hindu or Muslim, but if the suspect's words to the police are true, it matters little. She murdered a man due to his perceived religious belief. That is unacceptable.

I don't know if this woman is mentally deranged or not. If she is sane, she deserves the harshest punishment, which, if I am not mistaken in New York State is 2nd-degree murder with a sentence of 25 years-life (too lenient in my view).

At any rate, this is a reminder to those of us who are active in the anti-Jihad movement that we must measure our words when reporting on Islamic extremism in a manner that we are not inciting violence or any form of discrimination against innocent Muslims.

Final note: A blog previously linked on this site has now been removed due to its way of reporting on this incident, which borders on approving. I reject that kind of thinking, and I accept responsibility for not having done prior due diligence.


  1. Sunando Sen, the victim was Hindu.

    Didn't you make anti-Indian/anti-Hindu comments just a couple of days ago against "Vijay Kumar"?

  2. Gary has done an excellent job of commenting on this incident.

    As far as I observed, his comments to Vijay Kumar were a rejection of Kumar's anti-Jewish insinuations. Gary didn't attack Kumar for his own faith or identity.

    Its interesting that those motivated to indulge in murder of people for their ethnicity or religion are often ignorant as to the parameters of the demographic they purport to hate. Pushing a Hindu in front of a train because one hates "Muslims and Hindus" is reminiscent of the Sikh gas station owner killed in Arizona after 9/11/2001, because the killers were angry at Muslims.

    It would have been no less of a crime if they had successfully found a Muslim to kill, but the fact that they killed a Sikh says something about their ignorance. Hindus and Muslims have not exactly been closely allied demographics.

  3. Didn't you refer to Hinduism as a "racist religion" in a previous blog comments Siarlys?

  4. I may have. (Note: I am not Gary Fouse, so whatever I said, it doesn't mean Gary said it.) Hinduism does contain, among its precepts, one of the most virulent and long-lasting strains of racism in the world.

    All of us live in polities that contain, in their near or distant past, the ruthless conquest of others, so that per se doesn't make Hindu culture better or worse than any other. North America is built on the conquest of native American peoples (although they weren't all or always so noble or gentle as their latter-stage suffering casts them as). Anglo-Saxon culture is built on conquest of Celts, and strengthened military by the Norman conquest, etc.

    That said, the Hindu religion is the faith of Aryans who destroyed the Harrapan civilization (itself rather totalitarian in culture, from what little archaeology can reveal), subjugated the darker-skinned residents of the Indian subcontinent, imposed rigid hereditary castes, treated the Dravidian survivors as "untouchables," fit only for cleaning toilets and performing the most difficult agricultural labor, etc.

    I have read of Americans in India being told "its too bad you're Christian, but at least you're white."

    Of course Hindus are able to "modernize" or "liberalize" the essence of their faith, just as Christians, Jews, and Muslims have, but there are always those who insist on the pure, original, rigid, adherence to every precept, however racist. Hindu nationalism is not pretty.

  5. Siarlys,

    I am no expert on Hinduism or its culture. I have heard it said that some Hindu practices are abhorrent. I have also heard it said that Hindus have no history of importing those practices to the West when they immigrate.

  6. 007,

    I have deleted your latest comment about Jews. Your comments are not welcome here.

  7. Jakes, you should look up the circa 1960 Herblock cartoon, of a dark-skinned turbaned man and his wife seeking entrance to a fancy restaurant. There is a sign saying "No colored people allowed," but the maitre-d' is telling the head waitress, "It's all right, they're not American."

    Also, Aryans from northern India are quite as light-skinned as many Europeans. Tamils might have a harder time. The caste system would be difficult to import, but arranged marriages and arranging a kitchen "accident" to kill a daughter-in-law when her family has been milked for all the dowry it can cough up... that's another matter. Indians who want to run for office in the USA either convert to Roman Catholic or marry a Protestant evangelical.
