Friday, November 30, 2012

A Crisis of Confidence in the UC System

The below report was published in April by the National Association of Scholars-specifically the California chapter. It concerns the deterioration of the quality of education due to leftist political indoctrination. It is long but well worth reading. It covers all the UC campuses including UC Irvine, where I work.


  1. Is the National Association of Scholars an accreditation organization, or the Official Guardian of Right Wing Political Correctness, or what?

  2. An excellent piece which shows the ability of the authors to be straight forward when dealing with politically corrupted faculty members and a campus atmosphere that allows such an impregnated education to thrive. The examples at UCI are striking, as only a minimum of evidence has been presented in the report. The Ambassador Oren event should have been mentioned as a keystone to the overall issue.

