Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What Was Going on in Benghazi?

Hat tip Radical Islam.com

For several days now, various sources have been reporting the possibility that Benghazi was a center for US efforts to funnel Libyan weapons to the Syrian opposition-which includes Al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood factions. It has also been reported that Ambassador Stevens was involved in this venture and that his presence in Benghazi on September 11 was connected to the operation. Up until now, I was not convinced enough to run with that story. Now that Clare Lopez has written about it, I am taking it much more seriously. She is a CIA veteran with 25 years of service.


So now, in addition to the disgraceful negligence that resulted in the loss of 4 American lives in an attack on US sovereign property-our consulate, we have the possibility that once again, our administration has been facilitating the transfer of weapons to the bad guys-people only too ready to turn them on Americans.


  1. Help! Help! We don't have ANY facts to make our point! Someone, PLEASE offer us something plausible to create a stink with!

    Scenario: Ansar al-Shariah killed our ambassador to interrupt the flow of American weapons to al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria...

    ...say what?

  2. Siarlys,

    Great response, but geo-politics gets pretty twisted at times.

  3. One thing that unites us as Americans, Gary, is the ability to acknowledge each other's better thrusts and parries.

    Oh, and devotion to the Chicago Cubs.
