Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Survey on US Muslims' Attitudes

Hat tip WND

Worldnet Daily has just posted the results of a recent poll among American Muslims as to their attitudes towards sharia, blasphemy and other issues. It shows significantly high numbers would like to see sharia implemented in the US-at least within the Muslim communities. It also shows a high percentage favoring prosecution for those guilty of "defaming" Islam.

To me these numbers are troubling even if they refer to a minority. If accurate, it is a significant minority. I place a lot of blame here on the teaching and influence of Wahhabist clerics who are allowed to come here to occupy imam positions in the mosques. Many of them have radical and hateful ideas that have no place in a free and open society. There is way too much Saudi influence in the US when it comes to imams and mosques-as well as helping establish Middle East Studies departments in our universities which are staffed with radical professors. They are working against full assimilation of Muslims into American society. In addition, I also blame the so-called leading Islamic organizations in the US like CAIR, ICNA, ISNA, and MPAC. They pose as moderates, but have an Islamist agenda. And why shouldn't they? There are all linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.

The challenge would be to see those percentages be reduced in the coming years.  This has to start with the immigration process. Muslims immigrating to the US must understand they are moving to a different kind of society and that sharia law-especially with its punishment provisions-cannot be accommodated even within the Muslim communities. Hudud sharia has a death penalty for apostasy, adultery and blasphemy which has no place in American society. How could we abandon any person to such a penalty just because they are Muslim and subject to the law (sharia) of their own community?

I also think we must act diplomatically. Our leaders including the president and secretary of state, must make it clear to foreign leaders what we expect of those coming to America. If immigrants from particular countries or regions will not or cannot assimilate, we don't want them. The last thing we need are separate enclaves in the US filled with disgruntled folks who don't respect our values. That is precisely the situation that exists in Europe. Fortunately for us, most Muslim immigrants to the US have been quite different from those in Europe in terms of education and professional skills. That has helped in assimilation, but the above numbers are cause for concern.

A few years ago, the prime minister of Australia publicly told the Muslim community that if any of them did not respect Australian values and laws, they should leave. As for the rest (hopefully the majority) who want to assimilate, adopt our values, respect free speech, freedom of religion,  open debate, and yes, even the right of their children to change religions, I say "Welcome".

1 comment:

  1. Well, if we get more green energy going on a large scale, we can tell the Saudis where to stuff their oil, and they won't have the money to finance all these Wahabbi missions around the world...

    Saudi Arabia really is the elephant in the room, but the U.S. and Europe need their oil too badly.

    Nothing like the 54.5 mpg by 2025 standard the Obama administration just introduce to wean us off Saudi oil!

    Electrics are even better: even if all the juice is generated by coal fired generators, the net carbon footprint is down by several fold, the cost is 2 cents per mile, and the maintenance is almost nothing.
