Monday, October 29, 2012

Obama's Obfuscations Continue

Hat tip The Blaze

President Obama spoke with the Morning Joe show on MSNBC today. As is his custom, when asked about Libya, he continued the line that he is committed to bringing the killers to justice.

That is not the point, Mr President. Yes, we want those bastards brought to justice. The burning question now is whether our military was stopped from responding to the Benghazi attack-specifically providing fire on the attackers from the air. On October 26, President Obama told a Denver talk show host that he issued orders to save our personnel in Benghazi no matter what it took. However, that slightly conflicts with what Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told a Pentagon news conference that it was not wise to send in troops to a situation where they didn't know what was happening.

It has also been reported that Tyrone Woods, prior to be killed at the CIA annex, had painted a laser on his attackers who were firing mortars at his position (and eventually killed him). Is that not an indication that he knew there was somebody out there in the skies prepared to fire? That is one point that needs to be investigated.

Folks, if you are not following this Benghazi story, you should be-especially before you vote on November 6.

1 comment:

  1. The commitment to the troops under your command and concern for their safety begins at the squad level and increases in intensity up the chain of command, supposedly to the Commander in Chief.

    All military people know that their lives depend on the ability and knowledge that they can depend on each other. Without that, you really don't have a military.

    If the consideration for the appearance of how it will appear to the Muslim world and how it will affect the judgment on the success of his foreign policy overrides the commitment to his armed forces, it is an impeachable offense.

    These men were calling for help in a seven hour firefight (!) and were denied help when military assets were there or near there at the time.

    No serviceman or veteran would, in good conscience, vote for Obama for this reason alone.
