Tuesday, October 30, 2012

JWeekly Article on UC Anti-Semiitsm

Hat tip OC Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism

"Problems? Recommendations?"

JWeekly, a San Francisco-based Jewish publication, has produced a long article about Jewish life on University of California campuses. The article by Dan Pine focuses on UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz and UC Davis. Various Jewish students were interviewed as to their experiences on campus as Jews-including the issue of anti-Semitism. Not surprisingly, the responses regarding anti-Semitism were mixed. One significant bit is the report that UC President Mark Yudof-as pressured by anti-Israel academic groups- has reportedly tabled recommendations from his own advisory group in their report on the problem of anti-Semitsm on campuses. If true, that is disappointing, but hardly surprising.


The report offered recommendations, among them that U.C. campuses settle on a clear definition of anti-Semitism, ban hate speech and restrict official university sponsorship of questionable events, such as Israel Apartheid Week.

The response from U.C.’s administration? Thanks but no thanks.
Yudof tabled the report indefinitely, saying that he would not restrict free speech, no matter how onerous that speech.

“In general, anti-Semitic … speech, as opposed to action of discrimination, is protected,” he told the Los Angeles Times last month.

Update: A source tells me that:

1) Yudof never "tabled the report indefinitely". 
2) The committee didn't meet on October 22 and will not meet until  
December 4. 

1 comment:

  1. As Martin Luther King wrote, "Let my words echo in the depths of your soul: When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews--make no mistake about it."

    M.L. King Jr., "This I Believe: Selections from the Writings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr." (New York, 1971), pp. 234-235.)

    Academia is saturated with anti-Zionist/anti-Semitic and increasingly anti-American faculty members. The professors now are the children who rioted on the campuses in the 60s. They are the descendents of the Bill Ayers, Malcolm X, and the rioters in Chicago who disrupted the Democratic convention. Those who were able got on at some university. Those who did not joined the Occupy movement.

    Luckily, many people mature after graduation and discard that nonsense they were taught about the world in college. Unfortunately, some do not and become, well, one of the takers in the society.

    The UC hierarchy responds to the faculty orientation for some reason... probably cowardice.
