Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood Condemns US-Made Video

Muslim Brotherhood seal

The English-language website of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (Ikhwan) has issued a statement regarding the film (The Innocence of Muslims), which was produced in the US by individuals whose identity is at yet murky.

The statement is carefully worded, but make no mistake; while the Brotherhood is officially condemning the  attacks on our missions, they are stoking more violence against Coptic Christians. Meanwhile Egyptian president Muhammed Morsi has instructed his embassy in Washington to file a lawsuit against the producers of the aforementioned film, whoever they are.

On a separate note: Jihad Watch is reporting that Ambassador Chris Stevens, who disappeared for several hours before his body was recovered, was tortured and is featuring graphic photos of an unconscious or dead Stevens in the hands of the attackers. I have to think carefully before I cross-post these pictures.


  1. Maybe the California State Legislature can pass a bill condemning the video and Islamophobia just like they did a couple of weeks ago with the resolution against anti-Semitism.


  2. The video is a red-herring. What we are seeing is the MB wanting to extort money from the US ($1.5 Billion was not enough.).

    A smart President would have the Navy fly up and down the Nile with special attention to the Aswan Dam.

    An attack on our Embassies and our Ambassador like this IS an act of war.

  3. Nothing wrong with condemning the movie. After watching Mel Gibson's grossly distorted "Braveheart" which libeled Sir William Wallace, the future King Edward II, his future French wife (still a child in France when Wallace was executed), I condemned that movie... as did historians who knew the truth.

    However, I don't recall anyone in Scotland burning the American embassy over it.

    P.S. A mob action is not an act of war. If the Egyptian military carried out the invasion, that would be an act of war. If it was an act of war, maximizing civilian casualties is generally not a helpful response. Carpet bombing Dresden stiffened German loyalty to Hitler and prolonged the war. Targeted bombing of military production facilities was more helpful.

  4. Don't be silly Findalis. The Muslim Brotherhood doesn't have anywhere near that level of control. The leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't even have that kind of control over the actions of its own members. And President Morsi has to respond to considerations that members of the Brotherhood per se do not... like his government would collapse without American aid, whether he likes that or not.

    (Why don't we pull the aid? Because Egypt collapsing would be more of a danger to us than Egypt propped up, and Morsi owing us nothing more of a danger than Morsi dependent on our money.)

    Most likely, the mob was instigated by the Salafists who have challenged the Brotherhood, was joined by some Brotherhood supporters who lean that way, and Morsi wrung his hands a while before realizing he had to assert control.

    Not pretty, but not a neat cops and robbers tale either. Grow up.
