Sunday, August 26, 2012

Meanwhile in Denmark........

Politiet  patruljerer foran Odense Universitetshospital i formiddags. Et  stort antal mænd hærgede i nat hospitalets skadestue i  forsøget på at få udleveret en patient, der forinden var blevet skudt i  Vollsmose. Det har nu startet en debat om brugen af vagter på sygehuse.

Odense University Hospital

"Some 70 aggressive men invaded Odense Hospital last evening."

Let's call it "General Hospital" Danish style. The Copenhagen Post has the story of how 60-70 men stormed a hospital in Odense on August 20, looking to finish off a shooting victim.

The Danish prime minister is shocked.......

Who could have done such a thing?

Why, of course.

"What's in your wallet?"


  1. Were they stopped?

    You always leave out the most important data. What kind of crime reporter are you?

  2. This time they were stopped Siarlys. But next time will they be?

  3. The obvious problem is that the Danish papers did not indicate anything about the attackers at all. Were they gang members? Amish, "Youths"? They are so intimidated that they are frightened to say the name of the enemy.

    The closest hint you get is, "Monday’s night’s attack caused Trine Bramsen, the Social Democratic chairwoman of the parliamentary Foreigner and Integration Policy Committee to suggest to those responsible to consider whether they want to be members of Danish society or “go home to their native country”.

    So it seems to be non Danish foreigners... I wonder what kind? Perhaps some Norwegian gang or French stoners? I don't think so. They were obviously Muslims on some tirade over some offense they are so sensitive to and they bring their home town Islamic methods to Northern Europe.

    Unless and until the Danes call them what they are and do something about them, it will get worse and worse for them. They have become a nation of P.C. cowards.

    It's a shame. It used to be a nice country.

  4. Miggie,

    The whole thing started with an Eid-al-Fitr gathering.

  5. Whatever that is.... doesn't sound Danish though..

  6. I guess you're hoping they won't be stopped next time Gary... it would be more salacious copy for you...
