Tuesday, August 28, 2012

DOJ Whitewash?

CBS is reporting that the draft of the DOJ Inspector General report is laying the blame for Fast and Furious on the ATF office in Phoenix.  If accurate, this is just another step in the whitewashing of DOJ's role in this scandal.


The report is now in the hands of Holder and his cronies at DOJ, where they can add their own comments. If the highest person in this mess that can be blamed is Phoenix agent-in-charge William Newall, then this is a whitewash of monumental proportions and puts the lie to IG Michael Horowitz's assurances to Darrell Issa that he would conduct a fair and thorough investigation.

1 comment:

  1. From the beginning, it has seemed that a simple and lamentable error in the field has been portrayed as a policy decision at the highest levels of the DOJ, because those who said it devoutly wished it to be true. Wishful thinking from beginning to end.

    "But we WANT a scandal. This is the OBAMA administration. We have no evidence of marital infidelity, and we HAVE to get SOMETHING on him. We don't like Holder either. Why can't we have a good scandal? Why?"
