Monday, July 9, 2012

The Pam Geller Event Cancellation in LA and Statement by ZOA Western Region

When it comes to standing up to anti-Semitism-no matter where it comes from-the Zionist Organization of America  is one of the few national Jewish organizations I can say I fully support. On June 24, as previously reported here, Pam Geller was scheduled to give a speech on the topic of Islamic anti-Semitism. Her appearance was sponsored by the ZOA. The event was to be held at the Jewish Federation of LA Hqs, a site in which the ZOA Western region has its office. As we all know, the Federation cancelled the event the very morning of the speech itself over concerns that organizations like CAIR were planning a protest.

Below Steven Goldberg of the ZOA in Los Angeles has issued a statement that should be widely disseminated.

Sadly, it is true. Although the Jewish Federation chapters around the country have a certain autonomy, my own experience with the Orange County chapter tells me that this is one big feckless outfit.


  1. Geller is a screaming lunatic, but nobody should cancel anyone's public appearance on the ground that someone might show up to protest. That's called a heckler's veto. It was this very principle -- denying the heckler's veto -- that the ACLU raised in arguing on behalf of Frank Collin's right to parade in Nazi uniform through Skokie. What's good for the goose-step is good for the gander.

  2. Siarlys,

    Ever heard Geller talk and actually listen to what she says? I have twice. She is no screaming lunatic. You should have been with me in Manhattan beach a couple of weeks back and listened to the testimonies of 8 Muslim apostates. Then you might have a clearer idea of what a screaming lunatic really is-like the people calling for death to these 8 brave souls.

  3. Siarlys,

    Ever heard Geller talk and actually listen to what she says? I have twice. She is no screaming lunatic. You should have been with me in Manhattan beach a couple of weeks back and listened to the testimonies of 8 Muslim apostates. Then you might have a clearer idea of what a screaming lunatic really is-like the people calling for death to these 8 brave souls.
