Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Truth as Spoken by Omar Bakri Mohammed

Below is a video of a recent debate between Syrian-born apostate from Islam Wafa Sultan (who now resides in the US) and Muslim cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed on the topic of Islam and its relationship with non-Muslims.

I give credit to Omar Bakri Mohammed on this: He speaks the truth. Thank you, Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed for speaking the truth. And thanks to Wafa Sultan for also speaking the truth-and for her courage.


  1. Too bad this video was not available at the M. Siddiqi presentation at the O.C. Islamic Center, a few months ago. It would have been instructive to those who attended and believed Siddiqi's "Taqqiya" about Sharia law being compatible with U.S. Constitutional law. Of course, Sharia and the Constitution are not compatable.


  2. Someone needs to explain the concept of Taqiyya to all these idiotic rabbis and pastors engaged in interfaith dialogues with the likes of Siddiqi. They would do well to spend their time with Zuhdi Jasser instead.
