Thursday, May 31, 2012

Teaching Law at the University of Texas

Murphy's Law at the University of Texas

Texas has come a long way from Judge Roy Bean to University of Texas law professor Sanford Levinson, who has written an op-ed in the New York Times that the US Constitution is "imbecilic".

The progressive professor doesn't get it. The last thing we need is to have a president (like Obama), who can just decide what he wants to do, appoint the hacks in Congress he wants, and not have to worry about no stinking constitution. If he doesn't like it, just tack on a few amendments and presto! We have the Soviet Union. What is this pea-brain thinking? Has he never read about FDR trying to pack the Supreme Court?What is the NY Times thinking allowing this crackpot to have a platform? That's a lot of money for that much space in a fish wrap.

"Where's my wrap?"

This is why we have a constitution o vaunted law professor. Without our constitution, our laws, or congressional procedure, and separation of powers, ponderous as it all may be, it is designed to safeguard against the next Hitler who wants to come along and pass an Enabling Act that allows him to round up members of the opposing parties.

"Fuehrer befiehl. Wir folgen." (The Fuehrer orders. We follow.)

Gridlock can be a good thing especially when you have a bunch of boobs running the country.

Sanford Levinson, Ladies and Gentlemen. He makes Roy Bean look like Aristotle.

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