Tuesday, May 29, 2012

CAIR LA Head to Be Delegate to Democrat Convention

Hat tip Squid and Family Security Matters

Hussam Ayloush (l) with Muslim Brotherhood cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi
(Photo LA Times and Family Security Matters)

This report from Family Security matters should tell you all you need to know about the direction of the Democrat party. Hussam Ayloush, who is the head of CAIR in Southern California, has been selected to be a delegate at the Democrat convention.


CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) is an un-indicted co-conspirator in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial, which involved Islamic charities in the US funneling money to terrorist organizations like Hamas in the Middle East. This organization is a creation of the Muslim Brotherhood and supports Hamas, no matter how much they deny it.

Last year, when I and several other people protested at The Grove in  Anaheim at the Orange County Human Relations Commission event which gave an award to local imam Muzammil Siddiqi, Ayloush was present. He made it a point to walk from the convention center entrance to where we were standing at an intersection and proceeded to take pictures of us with his cell phone-then tried to verbally antagonize us until Tom Trento of The United West turned on his own camera and took him on telling him he (Ayloush) represented a "despicable organization" (CAIR). At that point, one of Ayloush's horse holders came across the street to lead him away. Ayloush knew he was over-matched and walked off.

As for Ayloush's links to Yusuf al-Qaradawi, if the FSM link isn't enough to disgust you, try this link to hear some of Mr Qaradawi's past statements about Jews and fighting infidels.


Al Qaradawi-Ayloush-CAIR-and now the Democrat National Convention.


  1. Yeah, and Jim DeMint will be at the Republican convention.

  2. It's the Democratic convention. Don't be one of those people.

  3. Anonymous,

    I didn't want to confuse Democrats with democracy-which they seem determined to chip away at.

  4. a cardinal sin. calling the Democratic part the Democrat party. Gets folks panties in a knot.

  5. About half of us don't wear panties, Cabbie.
