Sunday, May 27, 2012

Another Indication Scott Walker Will Win the Wisconsin Recall

Hat tip Hot Air

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz meeting with President Obama about the time of the Anthony Weiner scandal

Hot Air is interpreting DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's words as a hint that the Democrats are not counting on defeating Wisconsin governor Scott Walker in the big recall coming up.

Perhaps that's why another famous Schultz (Ed) issued his urgent call for Obama to personally go to Wisconsin last week.

Ed "Boom-Boom" Schultz about the time of the 2010 mid-term elections.

1 comment:

  1. If Scott Walker wins the recall election, it will be because the Democratic Party leadership, state and national, never grasped what the recall was all about.

    Can we all agree that when a party suffers substantial losses in an election, there is a lesson in it for the party leadership and program?

    I thought so. From here on, we may diverge somewhat.

    The Democrats who lost in 2010 deserved to lose. Voters did not reject their program: voters were totally uninspired by the absence of any substantive program at all. You know how you made modest hay over Obama telling Medvedev he'd be free to be more helpful after the election? In addition to dating lobbyists for Payday Loans, the Democratic leadership put off action on any matter of substance, such as local options for financing public transit, on the ground that "first we have to win the election and keep our majority." Voters made their displeasure known. The one Democratic legislator who faced primary opposition was promptly dumped by eager Democratic voters, who elected the challenger in November. There should have been five more such challenges.

    Which brings us to the recall. At one time, 57% of voters were sympathetic to a recall. Spontaneous action (analogous in some ways to the early Tea Party) launched the effort. When the Democratic Party stopped sitting on its hands, and took an interest, the big wigs immediately began promoting Tom Barrett as "the strongest candidate to oppose Scott Walker."

    Barrett is the ONLY Democrat to ever lose a statewide election against Walker. One would think anyone of any stripe would have more sense than to promote a replay of a losing election. A party offered this opportunity for a comeback might think to leapfrog over the tired old nonsense and offer a fresh, new, way forward. Oh no, that would never do, first we have to win the recall election.

    Yeah, right. Well, we have a really excellent candidate for Lt. Governor. Maybe he'll pull Barrett along by his coat tails. Or maybe he won't even be heard. We'll see.
