Sunday, May 27, 2012

The 2012 Rusty Awards in Orange County

The Rusty Award

Rusty Kennedy
named after Rusty Kennedy, CEO Orange County Human Relations Commission

Darn! The month of May has passed by, and I completely overlooked the 2012 Orange Country Human Relations Commission's annual Rusty awards, passed out by none other than OCHRC CEO Rusty Kennedy.

If you click the rusty link below, you can see who got the awards this year. (Click Awards 41-41 is for the number of years this white elephant has been sucking the taxpayers dry of money-now $300,000 a year.

No, I am not going to waste my time researching the recipients this year (I spent tons of time on that last year when Muzammil Siddiqi got an award). I will assume they are all wonderful people seeing that they are mostly schools, kids, cops, judges, doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs.

Yet, seeing all the community policing groups being honored, I noted that Fullerton PD is not on the list possibly as a result of the beating death of homeless man Kelly Thomas last year. But I ask why not? Kennedy has already absolved the cops, the department, the city, and the city council for the death. After all, it was "us", you and me who are responsible, according to the Ruster.

"As Fullerton convulsed in reaction to the violent death of Kelly Thomas a mentally ill homeless man, many were eager to point the finger of blame for this tragic death at the police, city, city council, mayor…anyone but themselves."

Who is "themselves, Rusty? 

Is it true that in 1999, Rusty, a Fullerton native,  handed out a community policing award and a thousand dollar check to Fullerton PD, whose then-chief was Kennedy pal Pat McKinley, who also sat with him on the OCHRC, and was the same chief of Fullerton police who hired many of the very officers who have been involved in the Thomas incident as well as other scandals? And then guess who now-Fullerton city councilman McKinley recommended to head up a task force to save Fullerton with homeless sensitivity classes for Fullerton cops after the Thomas incident.

Rusty Kennedy

You guessed it. It's not hard to connect the dots when they go around in a circle. It's one big incestuous family.

Yet, here goes this windbag empty-suit, Kennedy, blaming "themselves" for the death of Kelly Thomas-just as he goes around like Paul Revere telling anyone who will listen that Orange County is infested with bigots riding through the night terrorizing people, and only he and his $300,000 a year OCHRC and its annual Rusty Award can save us.

This is the same clown who traveled to South Africa on our dime to attend that Durban Conference against Racism, which basically zeroed in on Israel. He also found time to help fete that great humanitarian Yasser Arafat when the UN gave him their own Rusty Award, otherwise known as the Nobel Peace Prize.

I invite the reader to peruse the OCHRC website. This is what $300,000 a year gets us.

1 comment:

  1. Fullerton taxpayerMay 27, 2012 at 8:59 PM

    OCHRC another example of our tax dollars not hard at work for us
