Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Moment of Silence in France for........Mohamed Merah!!

Hat tip to Gates of Vienna, Vlad Tepes and MRC-TV

Here is a French news video describing how a teacher in Rouen, France held a moment of silence last week for Mohamed Merah, the killer of Toulouse. The video is from MRC-TV, the posting by Gates of Vienna, and English sub-titles by Vlad Tepes

Is this not symptomatic of the moral rot that has infected the West? This is even worse than the apologia offered by Swiss Islamic scholar Tarek Ramadan, in which he attributed the horror to Merah being isolated from French society (by his own choice). This is tantamount to the US Army calling the Ft Hood massacre a case of "work-place violence".

A moment of silence for Mohamed Merah. A vomir.

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