Friday, March 23, 2012

J Street and Jewish Voice for Peace

You know that motto that J Street has, "Pro-Israel-Pro Peace"? If they are pro-Israel, why would they invite a representative from Jewish Voice for Peace (a notoriously anti-Israel organization) to come and give an address to them on Boycott, Divest and Sanctions? This is from the J Street 2011 conference. (Hat tip to Miggie)

Don't be fooled. This J Street bunch was founded as an alternative to AIPAC, which is decidedly pro-Israel. Hannah Rosenthal, our State Department envoy on anti-Semitism, came out of J Street, and she is no friend of Israel. Her first act once appointed was to go to Israel and bash Israel's ambassador to the US Michael Oren. Last seen, she was attending international conferences on fighting Islamophobia.

In addition, this is an organization funded by none other than George Soros. That's pretty much all you need to know.

At least Jewish Voice for Peace, in spite of its misleading name, is clear that it is anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian. J Street, on the other hand, is a fraud. It disguises its true agenda.


  1. Here we go again with some Methodist trying to tell Jews what is good for them and how they should think.

    Hitler was pro-German, but that doesn't mean that Gary Fouse can't love Germany without being a Nazi.

  2. Thanks for the hat tip... I'm going to cash it in for a beer one of these days.

    One thing about Jews is they are typically involved and opinionated. That is one of the explanations for why there are so many political parties in Israel. There are small difference among some of them but crucial distinctions among the members.

    They show up on both sides of the spectrum so there is always some Jew to hate and to blame. Some of the leading Communists were Jews and some of the leading Capitalists were Jews. Right now you have Jews in leadership positions in both the Democratic and Republican parties. It is hard to figure out some Jewish gene that would simultaneously produce both a David Axelrod and a Charles Krauthammer.

    On the survival of the state of Israel issue, you would expect all Jews to be on the pro-Israel side.
    Yet there is this lady speaking to J-Street and all too many treacherous traitors like Mark LeVine at UCI. Unfortunately, you also have the third leg, represented by the OC Jewish leadership and Mark Yudof, who have an acute deficiency of testosterone when it comes to protecting the Jewish students in the UC system.

    So pick the side you hate. I pick this lady who, like the Jewish Federation knows best and is willing to put her family and her people at extreme risk.

  3. Gary, you are off base on this one. At the national level J Street does not support any BDS of Israel. Individual members of J Street may support BDS but the organization does not.

    This past week Peter Beinart wrote a piece for the New York Times calling for a Zionist BDS - boycott of goods produced on the West Bank.

    The day Beinart's piece was published J Street wrote on their webpage that they will not support the boycott Beinart proposed.

    There is currently an interview with the head of J Street on The Atlantic website where he explains why he won't support any BDS of Israel.

    J Street may have people that they don't agree with speak to have a diversity of opinions at the conferences. They may try to get people to the left of them to become members. That is probably why they had someone from JVP speak.

    And, yes, I agree JVP are nimrods.

    I'll write more later since I think this is an important topic.

  4. Anonymous,

    J Street is pro-Israel like CAIR is moderate. I repeat: George Soros is a funder of J Street. I rest my case.

  5. Interesting enough, JVP is hosting Peter Beinart in Berkeley next month. Why would a man who considers himself Zionist even associate with the "proud to be ashamed to be Jewish" crowd?

  6. Anonymous,

    From where I stand, this guy is a liberal. I don't see the contradiction. Plus He doesn't like Netanyahu

  7. Here is how I look at it. AIPAC is the super big tent. It has a role to defend Israel and does a good job at what it does. It cannot be effective in advocating a two state solution since it won't want to offend any of its groups it represents.

    J Street is needed to advocate the two state solution. Both former Prime Minister Olmert and former Prime Minister Barak have said that due to the demographic situation if the two state solution isn't the solution that resolves the conflict that Israel will not be a democratic state.

    If the one state solution is the resoultion it would be one state that

    A) is Jewish and not democratic or

    B) a democratic state that isn't a Jewish state or

    C) have the two state solution where Israel is a Jewish state and a democratic state.

    Jeremey Ben-Ami, the founder and head dude at J Street, said clearly in The Atlantic inverview with Jeffrey Goldberg that J Street will not agree with any policy that threatens funding to Israel nor will it support a boycott of Israel.


  8. It is quite possible to be against Netanyahu's views and be pro-Israel just like it is possible to be against the current leader of the United States positions and be Pro-United States.

    Kadima under the Livni actually won more seats than Likud under Netanyahu in the 2009 elections. The point is that not everyone in Israel is a fan of Netanyahu and I wouldn't say they are not pro-Israel.


  9. Apparently it has come to the point where anyone who "doesn't like Netanyahu" is a traitor to Judaism, at least in the eyes of one southern California Methodist.

  10. I spent time yesterday listening to talks at the J Street conference. The talks are on youtube.

    I am disappointed with how far left some of the speakers were. I know J Street is left leaning but I would like to have more people on the center or center left have a voice at the conference. I have only seen a limited number of the talks but the audience at the conference cheer the loudest to the far left speakers. If J Steet wants to grow, it will have to shift more to the center - but I have only seen a limited number of videos and this might be wrong. I'll have to watch more to get a better feel.


  11. Anonymous,

    All you need to know is that their big funder is george Soros.
