Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Another Sick Outburst by Louis Farrakhan

Hat tip Daily Caller

Louis Farrakhan has crawled out of his hole again and given his followers a 4- hour diatribe against Israel, Jews and America.


Hate speech? Do you think the main stream media will spend much time on this? How about the loons at MSNBC? How much time will they take away from their non-stop attacks on Republicans to condemn this pathetic hate-monger?

The Nation of Islam is an organization founded on hate. True, it was established during the era before the Civil Rights movement. To this day, it has contribued nothing to racial harmony. Its leader, Louis Farrakhan, has done nothing to heal the divisions. He has only stoked them and made them worse.


  1. There will be no condemnation of Farrakhan by the MSM. They are too scared of being called racists.

    On another note. What happened to Blogger's comment page?

  2. It seems some readers are having trouble commenting. Ill try and check it out.

  3. And this cretin is relevant to much of anything, how?

  4. @ Siarlys

    Unfortunately to the Black Community he is a hero and many idolize him.

  5. I can't think of a single person of African descent I know who thinks much of him at all.

    Farrakhan defines "the black community" as the noisy band of brothers who adore him, which is kind of like defining "the Jewish community" as a band of pawn shop owners who adore Meyer Lansky. Why would you take his (and the media's) word for his standing? He ain't nothing.

  6. Further, cretinous as he may be,he is unfortunately typical of how most black muslims, and at least some, possibly many, non-muslim blacks, feel. As Findalis points out, he has a lot of followers, both official and unofficial.

  7. How would you know elwood?

    Are you taking his word for it?

    Do you believe everything you hear from the Mainstream Media?

    Or do you have lots of intimate friends who are "black" who all praise Farrakhan to the skies?
