Thursday, February 23, 2012

Another Academic Supporter of Iran

Hat tip to Campus Watch and Frontpage Magazine

Professor Stephen Zunes-USF

As the Islamic Republic of Iran prepares to commit its latest atrocity-executing a Christian pastor for the "crime" of leaving Islam, we find yet another apologist for the barbaric regime right smack dab in an American university.

Let's have a test. Geographically speaking, in which state do you think you would be most likely to find such a professor? Would you say, California?

"Uhhhh, yeaaaaah."

You are right! Now, in which city do you think you would find the professor? Would you say, San Francisco?

"Uhhhh, yeaaaah."

Correct again.

So would you guess that, perhaps, the university in question was the University of San Francisco?

"Uhhhh, yeaaaah."

Yes! You are now one question away from one million dollars. In which department would you guess the professor works at USF? Would you say, Middle East Studies?

"Uhhh, yeaaaah."

You have just won the jackpot!

Now for the name of this professor, read the below cross-post from Frontpage Magazine and Campus Watch written by Cinnamon Stillwell and Rima Greene.

Yes, folks. Iran is a victim according to Professor Stephen Zunes. Never mind the embassy hostage takeover when the feckless Jimmy Carter was president. Never mind the support for Hamas and Hezbollah. Never mind the persecution of the Baha'i and the gays. Never mind the stonings. Never mind the shooting down of protesters in the streets. Never mind the threat to wipe Israel off the face of the map. Never mind any of that stuff. Iran is a victim.

Where else but academia can you find this kind of perverted thinking?

I have a great idea. Why don't we start up a German history department at USF. We can stack it full of neo-Nazi professors who will argue that Hitler's Germany was a victim of the allies. Remember that Polish attack on the radio station at Gleiwitz that started the war? Remember all those atrocities that the Czechs were carrying out against the Germans in the Sudetenland? Remember all those terrorist attacks committed by German Jews in German cities? I tell you Hitler was a man of peace.

All of which makes as much sense as this boob at USF.


  1. Well. at least this guy is not being paid by the taxpayers. USF is not a public university. It is a private university, affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church. Ask the Archdiocese why he was hired...

    And remember. Germany WAS a victim... in the aftermath of WW I. Remember, the war in which German Jews served with honor and disinction in defense of the Vaterland? The war in which none of the belligerents had clean hands, but the people of Germany were expected to pay everybody else's war bill, just because the German army was outflanked once?

    That gave Hitler his opening. Without it, he might never have appealed to German voters in any significant numbers.

    British and U.S. meddling in Iran up to and including the coup of the mid-1950s is what made Khomeini something of a hero for long enough that the current regime could get itself established.

    That doesn't mean the current regime is worthy of respect, any more than Hitler was. But unless you want to generate more such regimes, which is the result neocoms tend to deliver, be careful of the nuances.(Or am I being too French for you? Remember when George W. Bush remarked that the problem with France is, they don't have a word for entrepreneur?

  2. Obama had a chance to bring about regime change? Findalis, are you one of those people who think Obama is the Messiah? What exactly do you think he should have done? Sent the marines?

    Only the people of Iran can bring about regime change, as Gary has pointed out in relation to many other countries, and recent American misadventures. IF they seek help abroad, as the American revolutionaries sought financing and arms from that great bastion of republicanism, Bourbon-ruled France, then we could help.

    P.S. A lot of devout Muslims in Iran are oppressed also -- many of them were out on the street two years ago. Do you think the "green revolution" was filled with nobody but Bahai's, Christians and gays?

  3. @ Siarlys

    Instead of helping the Green Revolution along, Pres. Obama was silent. When he did speak it was in support of the Iranian regime.

    Obama's foreign policy is too little, too late, and the wrong side.

  4. I know of no statement President Obama made in support of the regime. Can you provide an exact quote?

    There is little reason to believe that an endorsement from the President of the United States would have helped the resistance. If anything, it would have isolated them as American puppets, which they were and are not.

    Incidentally, even the greens seem to be proud nationalists, who support the notion that a proud, ancient nation such as their own darn well ought to have the most powerful weapon in the world today. They might make more rational use of it, but they too would like to have one, if only as a matter of national pride.
