Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mark Your Calendars

Mark your calendars, folks. On Thursday, February 11, UC Irvine law school dean Erwin Chemerinsky will be speaking at the UCI Cross Cultural Center.

Dr Chemerinsky's topic will be free speech in a diverse society.

"Date: Thursday, February 11"

Mark your calendars. Thursday, February 11, 2012!!


  1. Muslims and their supports know that if you schedule their most radical speakers on a Saturday Jews won't attend.

    So I encourage every non-Jew to attend in their place. Show you stand with them.

  2. Findalis,

    Chemerinsky has said for the record, before and since he came to work at UCI, that there is no anti-Semitism at UCI.

  3. "Chemerinsky has said for the record, before and since he came to work at UCI, that there is no anti-Semitism at UCI."

    I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I would like to sell to Chemerinsky. Regarding the date for the presentation, check the Mayan calendar.


  4. Chemerinsky has a nice little side business going with this speech. I think this about the fifth or sixth time he has given it since the Oren disruption.

    You put on the same CD and you get the same music time after time.

    (Gary- there is the same probllem with the site. If you go to Preview, the verification letters change. This covered by the pop up of the preview section. Then the old letters don't work. You can only send in a comment if you skip the preview step.)
