Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Eric Holder Threatened With Contempt by Issa

This is welcome news in the on-going Fast and Furious scandal. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) is threatening Attorney General Eric Holder with contempt if he continues to withhold documents.


"The documents produced to date also belie the remarkable notion that this operation was conceived by department leaders, as some have claimed," Holder said. "It is my understanding that department leaders were not informed about the inappropriate tactics employed in this operation until those tactics were made public and, as is customary, turned to those with supervisory responsibility over the operation in an effort to learn the facts." (Holder)

Translation? Holder is attempting to lay the blame on ATF street agents to protect himself, his assistants in DOJ and possibly someone above him. (Guess who.)

It doesn't take a genius to see that the documents that have not been turned over are those that would show that Holder is lying. It's the documents that bear his name and his signature. They would show that he was fully up-to-date on Fast and Furious and involved up to his neck, as were his top assistants. God only knows what White House-Justice documents are there and who they would implicate. That is why they have not been turned over. The claim that they may or may not be in the custody of his inspector general office is not reassuring since they are also suspected of being in on the cover-up.

It is going to take perseverance and nerve to keep the heat on and not make some deal that would let Holder and his co-conspirators off the hook. The deal that should be made is with someone high enough to know what Holder knew and did. They already have a few street level ATF agents who originally blew the whistle and may yet lose their jobs in retaliation. Their testimony will help but probably won't reach Holder. It's a classic conspiracy investigation.

What is at stake here? It is the simple notion that the law applies equally to all.


  1. I suppose you can go to jail for contempt of congress just as for contempt of court. There was that lady who went to jail instead of testifying in the Whitewater scandal.

    I would love nothing more that to see a perp walk with Holder proceeding Obama.

  2. This theatre is very entriguing. It appears that Congress knows that there are signifint documents that will reveal Holder's complicity in the Fast and Furious deadly game. Gary has put forth a nice scenario and let us hope that the emails come forth, so U.S. Citizens may know who was responsible for the deaths of two of our dedicated agents.


  3. And the untold story is that Janet Napolitano needs to go as well. It was her agents that were killed, and she remains silent.
