Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Another Chris Matthews Laffer

Hat tip to Hot Air

"Chris Matthews, you have a weak show."

Conservative writer and commentator Mary Katharine Ham had an interesting exchange today with Chris Matthews on WMAL (in DC). The point of interest begins at about the 6:09 mark. In this exchange, Chris tries to defend himself against Ham's charge that Chris has trashed the Tea Party as being violent while downplaying the Occupy movement's rhetoric and violence.

Here is the Hot Air report with the video:


Fast-talking Matthews, of course, throws out charges off the top of his head, but when confronted with his inaccuracies and misstatements, has a hard time defending them. The record very clearly states that there have been no Tea party incidents of violence and no arrests. Contrast that with the Occupy movement (which his co-anchor Ed Schultz adores) and the facts and the numbers are all there to see. When Matthews refers to "tea-partiers" spitting on congressmen, that is a dubious charge since he is referring to that video-taped incident in Washington in which it is pretty clear that it was a case of accidental spraying of saliva while a protester was shouting. As for his incidences of clear political favoritism, Hot Air forgot that moment in 2006 when the Democrats took over Congress in the midterm elections. When another Democratic victory was announced on MSNBC's "coverage", Chris yelled, "Yea!" (I heard that one because I was watching MSNBC at the time.)

Chris Matthews is a buffoon.


  1. In what sense are the "Tea Party" and the "Occupy" movement either dopplegangers or antonyms? Trying to compare one to the other seems rather pointless and off base.

  2. Siarlys,

    The key word is contrast, not compare.
