Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why Would They Occupy Iowa?

Hat tip Daily Caller

Iowa in January
"I guess this is as good a place as any to pitch our tents."

So now we learn that the little anarchists are planning to show up and disrupt the primary event in Iowa.

Which raises the question of.... why? If these people (who call themselves the 99%-ers), are looking for someone who wants to be president to demonstrate against-why not the President himself-Barack Obama? Why are they not trekking to Hawaii to demonstrate against the greedy rich, the folks who don't bother with corporate jets (they fly Air Force One) plus Air Force Two for the First Lady?

While they are occupying Hawaii, they could camp outside that $10,000 a night hotel that Spoker of the House Nancy Pelosi is staying in.

They could ask her about that solar tower project outside Tonopah, Nevada that was just completed at a cost of $735 million dollars by a company owned by Pelosi's brother-in-law and done by workers imported from Spain. (I was at their mission accomplished party last week in Tonopah. As Paula Jones once stated, "I have the proof!".)

You would think that it would be much more pleasant to pitch those tents in Hawaii than in Iowa in January, wouldn't you? But no. They would rather freeze their butts off in Iowa harassing Republicans than demonstrate against Obama and the Democrats in Hawaii. Does that not tell you something about the partisan politics of the Occupy movement?



  1. I don't know how, but I completely missed the Tonopah story. It just goes to show that the MSM decides just what isn't helpful and they don't report on it. I wouldn't have seen it otherwise.

    According to my calculations, $737 million to produce 45 permanent jobs is about 16.38 million per job and even if it goes to 145 jobs, it would be over 5 million per job created. My figures are probably off by the amount Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law gets out of the deal. This is typical left wing economics... insiders get inordinate payoffs, and a few others get something along the way and taxpayers pay. Too bad the millionaires and billionaires don't want to play this game.

    Insofar as the idiotic Occupiers/ Disruptors in Iowa are concerned, as we are seeing in Europe already, the debt is overwhelming no matter how much they protest about the loss of their entitlements.

    They are simply part of the dregs of the earth, unable to learn or unwilling to get an education or skill set and who now claim it is "unfair" for some who have worked hard for their accomplishments not to share it with the dregs. It is classic socialism/ Saul Allinsky radicalism/ and Democratic Party leftism ... all to a greater or lesser degree but all committed to an outcomes based economy (with a lot of graft going to those who bring it about like Pelosi's brother-in-law)

    Thanks again for digging up these stories, Gary.

  2. That's what I was doing while off the blog for 5 days. I passed it along to Michelle Malkin's tip line. Let's see what happens.

  3. You can't drive to Hawaii. You have to buy a plane ticket.

  4. Reminds me of the story about the guy on the beach and the genie in the bottle and the bridge to Hawaii.
