Sunday, December 11, 2011

Occupy Wall Street and CAIR

Hat tip to Investigative Project on Terrorism

The Investigative Project on Terrorism has produced this illuminating article with video of the head of CAIR in Michigan, Dawud Walid, as well as others speaking at an Occupy Wall Street rally in New York in November.

What this article does is put the lie to the claims of CAIR that they are a mainstream, moderate Muslim organization. That the Occupy Wall Street protesters would embrace them and these words should educate the public that the Occupy movement is a radical fringe group. Read and listen to the words of Walid and then tell me that CAIR is a moderate organization.

1 comment:

  1. Circular logic of the worst order.

    Assumption: OWS is bad.

    Inference: Therefore, CAIR is proven to be bad for associating with them.

    Second Inference: OWS is bad for associating with CAIR, which is proven to be bad because it associated with OWS.

    Third Inference: CAIR is bad, because it associated with OWS.

    Fourth Inference: Now that we've established how really bad CAIR is, not because they allegedly fund terrorism or advocate constitutional theocracy, but because they associate with OWS, well, that just goes to show how bad OWS really is, because CAIR is bad.

    Empty rhetoric, a perpetual motion machine run on the hot air of the blogger.
