Friday, November 25, 2011

Today's Resume

Name   Alfred E Newman

Occupation   Student-activist


UC Santa Cruz Quad, Row 2, tent 45
Santa Cruz, Ca

Education   Bachelor degree from University of California at Santa Cruz

Major   Community Studies

Campus organizations

Students for Justice in Palestine
Worker-Student Alliance

Extra-curricular activities


Skills   None

Work experience   None 

Life experience   2009 Backpacking in Europe


Angela Davis
Bettina Aptheker
Norman Finkelstein


Six-figure salary to begin plus company car and free health care.


  1. When I saw this resume, I laughed and then I lamented. This resume reflects the profile of many of our young people in America. Unfortunately, many of them have been brain-washed by their far-left, Progressive professors, who, in real life, most likely never had a real job. These skills challenged individuals are doomed to the minimum wage ranks, because you cannot sell themselves to an ambitious employer.
    My Grandfather can from the "Old Country" with next to nothing, leaving his wife and newly born daughter in Eastern Europe. He had the equivalent of a four year degree in a trade. Using this trade, he was able to bring his wife and daughter and the rest of his family to the U.S.A., and prosper. He worked hard to achieve this goal as he prospered in the American society.
    If these OWS entitlement needy folks had a tenth of my Grandfather's drive for success, we would remain the strongest Nation on the face of the earth. Unfortunately, if these Wall-Streeter protesters multiply, we are on the road to Greece.


  2. Squid,

    I think the next election will determine which way we will go.

  3. About right for today's barely educated entering the workforce.

  4. I think Squid is stuck in a time warp and I can't believe you go along with that garbage he is saying.

  5. Ingrid,

    I agree with 100% of what Squid said.

  6. @ Ingrid,

    What part of he truth disturbs you?


  7. That figures. You guys belong in another world, so keep dreaming, maybe it will come again. In the meantime, remember it was your generation that created this mess the young people have to deal with today.
    Everything any of you ever write tells me that you are old and out of touch.

  8. Ingrid,

    Out of touch? We are here. You are in germany.
