Saturday, November 26, 2011

More Arab Spring in Cairo: "One Day We Will Kill All the Jews"

Hat tip Vlad Tepes and YNET news

Ahmed al-Tayeb

As President Obama demands that Egypt's military turn over power, the Muslim Brotherhood held a rally Friday in Cairo's largest mosque that gave yet another demonstration of what is coming to Egypt.,7340,L-4153207,00.html

Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb is the spiritual leader of Al Azhar University. He was educated at the Sorbonne. A Moderate reformer, right?

"Spiritual leader Dr. Ahmed al-Tayeb charged in his speech that to this day Jews everywhere in the world are seeking to prevent Islamic and Egyptian unity.

"In order to build Egypt, we must be one. Politics is insufficient. Faith in Allah is the basis for everything," he said. "The al-Aqsa Mosque is currently under an offensive by the Jews…we shall not allow the Zionists to Judaize al-Quds (Jerusalem.) We are telling Israel and Europe that we shall not allow even one stone to be moved there."

Well, maybe not.

1 comment:

  1. The salient question is whether this character will end up with greater political influence than Rev. Jerry Falwell.
