Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Iran: What Now, "Great" Britain?

I am still not prepared to claim that the Brits have now learned what we learned back in 1979. (That Iran is an outlaw nation that should be shunned by the civilized world). Now that their embassy in Teheran has been attacked by "students", the British government has expressed "outrage". Even our own feckless president (Obama) is speaking out and saying that the Iranian government should hold those responsible accountable or some such rot-knowing full well that the Iranian government orchestrated this. Are they to hold themselves accountable? Here is an update from Fox News.


At the risk of sounding hopelessly naive, what is required here is decisive action from the civilized world-what's left of it. That would mean breaking diplomatic relations, freezing Iranian assets, stopping all trade, and no more oil purchases. It also means a united voice that says that Iranian adventurism against other nations will be met by force. It also means...........

Aw, forget it. What am I talking about?

1 comment:

  1. The civilized world can't get along without all that oil Gary. That is the bottom line for all international relations, at least since FDR's visit to Saudi Arabia (and that was a long time ago, because FDR died in 1945).

    If you really want us to be in a position to cut off Iran cold, you should be supporting crash development of renewable energy sources, electric cars, hydrogen fuel cells, massive windmill and solar cell arrays... so we can thumb our noses at all the despots sitting on large deposits of oil.

    Oh no, that wouldn't by "politically correct" in the circles you run with. Gotta stick to the Party Line. Fuming impotently at Iran is much more fun that paying the prices necessary to cut them loose.
