Friday, November 4, 2011

ACORN and Occupy Wall Street

The below Fox report documents this revamped ACORN operation known as NYCC and how it has participated in Occupy Wall Street.

They are still out there, folks. They are working for the Occupy movement, and come nect year, they will be working for the re-election of President Obama.

By any means necessary.


  1. Why am I not surprised? Obama was a "community organizer‘" - whatever that is - and represented ACORN in something... but the record is sealded. No doubt those records will be shredded as well so the country never learns how truly duped they were to elect a President who purposely conceals his past. Some lessons are so hard to learn that they are catastrophic and yet some fools believe that if you put on the same record you will get something other than the same music.

  2. They won't be working for the re-election of President Obama. They are upset with President Obama for being such a modest and almost conservative president, and not delivering what they think he should.

    They may, however, change the parameters within which President Obama, or any president, can and must operate. They may break the stranglehold of the liberal media, which assumes that the president must try very hard not to give Rush Limbaugh any reason to decry what he does, and therefore promotes the most spineless despair when the public is calling for bold action against Wall Street.

    The occupation won't generate that action, it is too diffuse. But it may provide the political cover for the more astute to act boldly.

  3. Siarlys,

    What a thoughtful ananysis! Maybe they will stay home in November. How great would that be?

  4. It will deny Ralph Nader some votes, or the Green Party, or maybe even Pat Buchanan.

    The Obama campaign is up and running. OWS is not tithing their time or personnel to Obama, nor vice versa.

    Anyway, if I heard you were voting for Obama, do you think that would motivate me to support Mitt Romney?
