Friday, October 28, 2011

The White House is Going to Investigate Solyndra??

"Investigation? We got it covered, right boys?"

No need to investigate Solyndra, Congress. The White House has it covered.

Of course, this is the same tom-foolery that DOJ is doing with their Inspector General investigating Fast and Furious.

Kind of reminds me of OJ Simpson out looking for the "real killer". His "search" consisted of looking through the roughs of golf courses (no real killers there) before he took up permanent residence in Nevada.

How about Bernie Madoff investigating fraud on Wall Street?

How about ACORN investigating voter fraud?

How about Nixon investigating Watergate?

"I tried that."

How about Bill Clinton assigning the White House staff to investigate the Monica Lewinsky rumors? That actually happened.

How about Clinton investigating sold pardons? He can even use the current attorney general as his lead investigator. Eric Holder familiar with the facts of that case.

How about Barney Frank and Chris Dodd investigating the mortgage meltdown?

At least one aspect of this latest announcement makes perfect sense. In a way, it is only fitting that the White House should conduct this investigation. After all, that is where the crime was committed. Thus, I guess they have jurisdiction.

1 comment:

  1. You're the one who highlighted photos of the FBI investigation. What branch of government do you think the FBI is part of? What if the White House did NOT investigate? Just think of the moaning and groaning about such an irresponsible oversight!
