Saturday, October 29, 2011

State Department Spends $70,000 for Obama Autobiography

President Obama, who wrote two autobiographies before he even became famous, has now added to his delayed royalties with a $70,000 purchase of "Dreams from my Father" by none other than our striped pants State Department under the enlightened leadership of the Most Intelligent Woman in the World, Hillary Clinton.

"You must read this book."

Not since Mein Kampf became required owning of every household in Germany has a government been so audacious in glorifying its Leader.

"Kampf? What Kampf?"

Nit-pick if you will, but here we have a government department spending $70,000 of tax-payer money to purchase the President's book, of which he figures to pocket several thousand in royalties.


  1. Given another term of office and both books will be required to be in every home.

  2. Bill Ayers claims to be the author of Obama's first book. It is well written compared to his second book, which was terribly written. It seems like two different people wrote the two different books.

    This additional information about something we know Obama wrote confirms that we have an affirmative action President.

    In another article he writes, "No one attests to Obama's early intellect or industry. Sympathetic biographer David Remnick tells us that he was an "unspectacular" student in his two years at Columbia University and at every stop before that going back to grade school. A Northwestern University prof who wrote a letter of reference for Obama tells Remnick, "I don't think [Obama] did too well in college."

    Despite his luxurious education -- Punahou, Occidental, Columbia, Harvard Law -- Obama has left a surprisingly slim paper trail -- much slimmer, in fact, than that of the largely self-schooled Lincoln. Still, despite Obama's dogged efforts to bury his academic past, a few prose artifacts have surfaced, the earliest being an 1,800-word article in Columbia University's weekly news magazine, Sundial.

    Remnick describes the March 1983 article, "Breaking The War Mentality," as "muddled." He is being kind. If the average citizen need not overly trouble himself with issues of syntax and grammar, a senior at an Ivy League university is expected to. Yet "Breaking" is so far below the Ivy norm that it raises serious questions about Obama's admission to Columbia, let alone his rapid literary ascent in the years to follow."
